Are They?

I recently updated my about page and asked: ” Are Shadows Made Out of Atoms? ” I understand the physical explanations of what shadows are as the absence of light. I also understand that light is made out of photons or is photons,  and that the presence of an entity means that atoms are there…

Stories in Memories (May Poem)

In the past, Olden Days, In my day, At some point, Ni aye igba kan (In one life), I do not like those phrases. Those words are said with glory in mind,            with stories on the tongue,            The air reeking with memories. Words like those…

A Life in Travel

An emulation from our interview with Doug. P Canada, A Beginning On this soil was I born, Raised, Taught to bow   Land of mountains and prairies, High and low lands My love for vehicles would see me to Vegas   My love for travel to England and Rome My love for space and all…

Yellow Letter (April Free Choice)

Yellow Letter Yellow is the colour of childhood laughter The colour of early morning sunshine and what you see when you do something good. But when you’ve broken your own heart, Your yellow is hot. And it’s deep And it burns. But yet its bright It is the colour of your heart Dear, One day…


. In the past two days, I have watched the scream come alive. I have heard the pitch get higher. I have focused on how the sun sets into the mounds that are set int the ground that a river has set its way through.   In the past two days, The bridge has taken…


That’s it. That’s all. Butterflies. Good day

She Had Never Looked More Beautiful (March Anecdote)

My baby sister’s birth was a surprise to me and my siblings. My dad’s friend walked into our living room and told us our mother had given birth to a baby and we all looked at him like he had gone cuckoo. How can a person give birth to a child when they were never pregnant…

Saving the World

  I used to want to save the world.  Now I just lie all month. I thought I had the strength of mind,  I’m finding now it takes that thrice. it takes heart, courage, kindness too.  But most of all, me and you This short, cheesy and honestly quite childish rhyme is based on my belief…

God, Goodness, and What is Given (February Free Choice)

This I Believe: Goodness, God, and What is Given   Recently, people were good to me. There were helpful people in my life and they showed what it means to be good. I believe there is good in everyone. After all, nothing- nothing is ever really a 100% anything. For as a Muslim, we are…