A Life in Travel


An emulation from our interview with Doug. P

Canada, A Beginning

On this soil was I born,


Taught to bow


Land of mountains and prairies,

High and low lands

My love for vehicles would see me to Vegas


My love for travel to England and Rome

My love for space and all of its vastness

would lead me on journeys under the land


But my love for life

And those that I love,

Would lead me back home always,

Back to this land,

On which I was born.

Las Vegas

In the desert lived the King. The King had presided over the desert for many a year.  It was he who made the barren land gain a name. It was he took a place of tumbleweeds and sand and made it paradise for all who visited. A city made of light.

A man and his new wife had heard of the King. To celebrate a new love, they headed for the desert. A six week adventure to mark a lifelong commitment.

Upon arrival, the couple was fully taken by the sight of the city. Neon and bulbs. Signs and clubs. Classic love, found in the wedding chapels and restaurants. Together they explore, up the Strip to see the sights.

They had made it far when they heard the news. The King was dead.

For them, it did not matter, for they had each other. Why did they need a King?

They ruled themselves.


A land of great history. The seat of a dead empire. The location of many a battle. The home of Nero, Caesar, Boudica, and now the Vatican.

They went to visit, to be in the center of spirituality, to see the culture. To the couple, religion had always meant a great deal. The man’s uncle had been a priest, and it was he who had married them.

He was an inspiration, a strong, pious man. He had been trained in Rome himself, even meeting the Pope.

So the man and his wife went to Rome, to trace his mentor’s footsteps. In the Vatican, they saw the beautiful gilded city. A feeling of comfort came over them, they were in a place of religious creation and divinity.

They honour the memory of those who came before them. They honour the belief that has brought them relief and joy.

They honour each other.


El Castillo- As I stood at the bottom of one of the four staircases ready to begin my ascent, I looked up into the sky and wondered how the minds of the Mayans came up with such a wonderful concept. Ninety one times four. Three hundred and sixty four. Plus the temple as the final one step at the top. One full year. I placed my left foot on the first step of the northwest stairway.

20 steps up and I was standing under a shadow. During the spring and autumn equinoxes, two intertwined snakes make their way down the steps as the sun moves across the horizon to fit their bodies to the snake heads at the bottom.

Fifty five steps and I wanted to stop. ‘The mayans did  not stop’ I thought. Although the angle of the slope was was nearing a forty five degree angle and it was getting really hard to stand upright. The sun had began to set against the back of my skin and I stopped to take drink of water. While sitting on the step, I saw a woman and her small child also taking a break. Experiences like this are what you remember forever.

On the 78th step, I actually sat down and thought ‘Should I just roll down and hope for the best?’ but then right before the sun completely set, I stood up and drove my knees high and made it all the way to the step 90.

When I placed my right foot on the step right in front of the temple, a slight breeze blew against my face and so I closed my eyes to savour its coolness.

‘Hey! We gotta go!’ I heard a voice say to the left of me and I opened my eyes to see that I was sitting on the ground a few metres away  facing the great marvel before me. Darkness is as quickly approaching and so I stood, packed my food up and closed my notebook. Tomorrow, we’ll be visiting El Caracol, the spiral shaped observatory. I’m hoping once again that I will experience the marvellous things the human mind can conjure up.


Lush, that is how the couple  would describe it. From sea to sea the islands shone like gems on the water. They came to recharge. They had seen so much of the world, it was time to find paradise. He and his wife sat on the beach and reflect on time well spent.

Their two grandchildren, a boy and girl, are growing up. Two sons, married and successful. Soon, forty-years become forty-one years of marriage. Many a career under the belt, banking to flower delivery. Now retired, a mark of achievement.

The waves hit the shore. With each one he  thinks of where they have been, and where they will go.

For he has amassed wisdom in the same volume as the sand on the bay they sit in.

He let us listen, a gift within itself. He let us learn.

We thank you Doug, for sharing your time and knowledge with us.


By Naimah and Claire

Gif: author unknown. “Best Friends.” Rebloggy!, rebloggy.com/post/love-photography-fav-girl-adorable-cold-black-and-white-life-tumblr-beautiful-hi/116795428289.

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