

In the past two days,

I have watched the scream come alive.

I have heard the pitch get higher.

I have focused on how the sun sets into the mounds that are set int the ground that a river has set its way through.


In the past two days,

The bridge has taken shape.

Become sturdier.

Has remained firm even as the scream grew louder and caused the sky and the sun and even the water to look like they’ve all been blended together.

Where the bridge leads to

We’ll never know.

We will know it though, in history, as the bridge that bore the weight of the scream that stirred up the colours of the sky.


“Eyes like the colour of death;


Lips as thoughlife had scorned them;


Cheeks as if something was taken out of them;


The face of a life lived by a thousand over thousands of years”


image source:http://www.revradiotowerofsong.org/9schoolofthenight.html

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