About Me

Hello, World!

(So I recently learned that thats how programmers started new projects and obviously I’m not the developer of this blog site but I thought I should update my about page according to my ever-changing interests.)

Really though, Hi! We are very much completely mad here. Obviously, you can tell that Alice in Wonderland was one of my favourite books as a child. We are though, Or I am. It’s just me here.


Who am I? What makes me up? Why am I alive?  And other really hard questions I’m apparently supposed to answer here.

Firstly, I’m just a girl. Once in a while, I think there is something more to me and I am just bursting with energy and excitement to share it. In those moments, I might remember to check-in and indeed share it here.

Next up, I am entirely made up of a lot of sugar just waiting to come right back out the way it went in. Also, blood, bones, muscles(merely functional), fat, ligaments, and a bnch of things i dont know the names of.

Third, Aren’t we all just here and then we all become stardust and end up in someone elses eye at the most inconvenient moment and almost cause them to run in fron of a bus moving at 90km/h (do they go that fast?). Yeah, so that took a dark turn fast.

Next, why do I deserve your attention? I don’t know, why don’t I? Ask yourself that instead. I will try to convey my naturally alluring, and as some have described, yellow personality onto the pages of my posts :).

Finally, what will I be posting? Great Question. It’s a journey. Come on it with me. I am really into pastry now, before, for some inconceivable reason, I thought I was great at poetry so I tried that. Before that, I was, and still am at times, reallly into comic book movies and theories. And at some point, I was an artist- only in pencil and clay though, no paints for me. I’m still being built and maybe I’ll attain my final form through one of these transformations We’ll see. I’ll post my pictures, recipes, tips, stories here for now. And honestly, we’ll just see where it leads us.

I really hope if you’ve read this far, you will hang around for the rest of my journey, growth, mistakes, fun times and that we can get to know each other in a way that propels us all into our final forms. I’ll leave you with this thought I’ve been pondering while informing you that I don’t want you to think of it in just its physical manifestation but in every single other way your brain can comprehend it:

                           “Are Shadows Made out of Atoms?”






8 Comments Add yours

  1. noorawan says:

    Dear Naimah,

    This is an absolute reflection of who you really are. I can see see you in this piece, your uniqueness is clear to the reader. This peice is amazing! I love how you started it with characteristics of who you are, what makes you, you. You did not just put thought into it, you put YOUR thoughts into it. You’re an incredible writer and I believe that one of your greatest strengths is that you can make writing personal. The story you told was deatiled and also had humour to it!

    Maybe at the end, one thing you could add is a bit of connection between the story and the overall scope of how you are today. Maybe connect the craziness of your ten year old self at the interview, to your actions and your creativity that shape you today. Do you still stand up and scream with all your passion and energy where needed? Let the reader know!


    1. nanaimah says:

      Noor Sweetie,

      Thanks for reading and commenting. And thinking I write well.
      This is one of my favourite stories to tell, because it is just so chaotic and I’ve always wondered just why the hell I did all those things that day.
      Of course, I still stand up and scream. What do you think I am?
      Thank you for your suggestions. I’ll put them into my work as time goes on.


  2. bluesoilder4210 says:

    Dear Naimah

    While reading this I really liked the whimsicalness of it all, starting with a list of things that you are and then following it up with an narrative was intriguing and i had never seen that before, I also liked your story it was funny when you were discribing what you were doing. Something I would suggest though is when your telling a story show more how others would react to what your doing, while also doing it if that makes sense. A story is also people reacting to what is happening after all.

    Sincerely, Iqra

    1. nanaimah says:

      Thank you for checking out my page. I love that you liked it and I’m really appreciative of the fact that you told me that. Your suggestion absolutely makes sense, and I appreciate it. I will make sure to employ that strategy in future pieces and if I edit this one again.


  3. kanchandhanoa says:

    To start, I loved how unique your approach to this post was. From the beginning till the end, your piece was written with its reader in mind. You started off simple-catching the attention of your reader- and followed with a story- providing your reader with a unique understanding of who you are. As I read this piece, I felt as though you were speaking directly to me. Your personality shone through each sentence, showing how purposeful and effective your voice as a writer is.
    To improve, I would suggest that you add more explicit and clear transitions as you shift ideas. This would enhance the flow of your piece and make your writing even more effective.
    All in all, I loved this piece! I can’t wait to read more of your work- especially your upcoming anecdote!

    1. nanaimah says:


      First of all, OH MY GOD, in my head I totally replied to this comment the day you posted it. So I apologise for that. Next, Thank you so much for taking the time to read this and then leave your thoughts on it. I appreciate it and will make sure to improve my writing by including the transitions.
      Thank you,

  4. zubia386 says:

    Dear Naimah,
    First of all let me say how impressed I was that you could create such an eye catching and interesting about me page. To me the way that you wrote your about me reflected your personality. Excited and very fast spoken. As I read this page I could imagine you talking directly to me. That is what made this so interesting to read.
    To improve I would suggest to transition into newer ideas at a s slower pace


  5. zubia386 says:

    I meant a slower pace , sorry for the mistake

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